Struggling to Find a Position That Is the Right Fit? 5 Ways to Take Your Skills and Turn Them into a Career

Struggling to Find a Position That Is the Right Fit? 5 Ways to Take Your Skills and Turn Them into a Career


With so many job openings right now, you may not know which one you want to apply for. The fact that you likely have experience working in a different career and environments can make reaching a decision even more challenging.

One way to narrow down your options is by focusing on your transferrable skills. Paying attention to what you do best and what your interests are can help you decide which career path may be best for you.

Implement these five steps to use your skill set to determine your career path.

1. List Your Transferrable Skills

Transferrable skills are built up over your lifetime. They may be developed through work or social activities. Examples include the following:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Problem-solving

2. Identify Your Strongest Transferrable Skills  

Think about the jobs you held, the hobbies you engage in, and the activities you participate in for fun. Then, use your list of transferrable skills to write down which skills are most important for each task or activity.

For instance, if you held administrative jobs and worked in an office as part of a team, you have strong teamwork and communication skills. Or, if you lead a Brownie troop, you have initiative and leadership skills.

Ask yourself the following questions to determine which transferrable skills you developed:

  • Are you part of a team?
  • Do you share information with others?
  • How well do you give or follow directions?
  • Are you a good timekeeper?
  • What have you been praised for?

3. Determine the Transferrable Skills You Need to Develop

Use your list of transferrable skills to determine which type of career you want. Then, research the types of skills needed to be successful in the role. Next, think about the transferrable skills you need to work on to attain this objective. You may be able to develop transferrable skills through the following methods:

  • Volunteer
  • Participate in a hobby, committee, or group
  • Find a part-time job
  • Participate in a training course
  • Take on a temporary job through a staffing agency

4. Apply Your Transferrable Skills to a Job Application

Show an employer how your transferrable skills make you well-equipped for the job you want. For instance, assume that in your previous jobs you gained switchboard and typing skills. The job you want requires experience working with customers. To fit this requirement, you spent 3 years in a part-time job working for a local Christmas club to help customers save year-round for holiday gifts. Because you talked with customers in-person and handled complaints, you gained the transferrable skills needed for the new job.

5. Partner with a Staffing Agency

A recruiter from a staffing agency can work with you to develop a career plan and land a job. They can coach you throughout the hiring process and negotiate any job offers on your behalf. This increases your odds of success in both the job and your career choice.

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