Just as you perform background checks on your job applicants, the job seekers perform research on your company. One aspect that significantly impacts their impressions of your organization is its culture. Job seekers want to determine whether your company’s mission, vision, and values align with their own. Employee interaction is a key indicator of this.
If the job seekers are not attracted to what they see and hear about your culture, they likely will look for opportunities elsewhere. In the current market, this can be devastating to reaching your hiring needs. An undesirable company culture can lead to your jobs staying vacant and losing money for longer periods of time. As a result, you should begin examining and improving your culture today to get better results.
Implement these tips to create a company culture that attracts and retains the best talent in Texas.
Defining Company Culture
Your culture includes the shared norms and expectations of your employees. Additionally, it will clarify how things are done in your workplace. Tangible examples include your dress code, furniture, and office layout. Intangible examples include how your employees feel about their supervisors and coworkers and whether they get together outside of work.
Why Company Culture Matters
Because your culture influences your employees’ behavior, it also impacts your company’s performance. Your culture needs to help your employees feel motivated, respected and valued. This promotes engagement, productivity, and retention. Otherwise, employee absences increase, performance goes down, and morale suffers. This impacts your bottom line.
Modeling Proper Behavior
Your leaders at all levels need to demonstrate the interactions that properly represent your culture. Because your employees at lower levels look to leadership as their example, your leaders need to model proper interpersonal engagement that shows your company mission, vision, and values. Having a top-down model of your culture increases the likelihood of your leaders and employees behaving in line with your true culture.
Marketing Your Culture
When your culture is defined and shown through employee interactions at all levels, you can market your culture to job seekers. Because a candidate’s fit with your culture is a key factor in their success in a role, job seekers need to know what your culture is like to determine whether it is a good match for them. They need to determine whether they support your company’s mission and their values and beliefs align with your company’s. If so, the candidate is more likely to apply for a role and be successful in your organization than a candidate without these characteristics.
Need Help with Recruitment?
Looking for the perfect culture fit for your company? Partner with Staffing Texas to fill your recruitment needs. Get in touch today.