Returning to the office after the holidays can be challenging. You likely spent several days celebrating with family and disconnecting from work. This is why switching back to work mode may be difficult and many people struggle with motivation. Fortunately, you can take steps to ease the transition back to the office.
Motivation Tips to Help You Return to Work After the Holidays.
1. Prioritize Your Tasks
Make a list of everything you want to get done for the week. This may include email, meetings, catch-ups, one-on-ones, or reports. Then, decide which order to accomplish your tasks in. Start with one thing you can finish quickly so you feel a sense of accomplishment. Then, plan the rest of your day. Include three to four main tasks from your master list. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. After that, plan what you want to get done the next day. Having a plan helps everything seem more manageable and improves motivation.
2. Start with Your Smallest Activity
Help your brain reengage by tackling a small activity first. When your mind sees that something is finished, it reacts positively. You get a release of dopamine that makes you feel happy. The more tasks you finish, the better you feel. Use this process to work your way up to bigger tasks and goals. Celebrate your accomplishments to further increase your motivation.
3. Focus on Your Most Important Messages
Keep your out-of-office reply on as you go through your inbox. Because you likely have a pile of messages waiting for you, you need to determine which to reply to first, which to save for later, and which to delete. Then, respond to your most important messages before moving on to the other ones.
4. Talk with Your Teammates
Spend a reasonable amount of time reengaging with your colleagues and manager. Find out how they celebrated the holidays while sharing what you did. Talk with your manager about what your individual and team priorities are. Determine what needs to be done and what the deadlines are. Ask questions as needed.
5. Take Regular Breaks
Keep in mind that disengaging from work throughout the day is healthy. Make it a point to be productive during your peak performance times, then move away from your desk when you start to tire. Take a 5- to 10-minute walk, talk with a coworker who also is on break, or meditate. Come back refreshed and ready to work.
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